Artist Bio
Vagmi Pathak is a visual communication designer, currently exploring Ui/Ux with a Berlin based firm. But on the side, you will find her exploring story-telling through images. This is something she loves to indulge herself in. She spends a lot of time observing and trying to capture the things that intrigues her. Always curious, always wondering the why's of everything that comes her way. She also loves to dance, and loves expressing herself through her slow body movements.  

Loop of Becoming by Vagmi Pathak

Artist Note
This work explores the cyclical nature of personal and creative growth. While there's a sense of constant evolution, the process can sometimes feel like a relentless loop of starting, stumbling, re-evaluating, and refreshing again. I find myself in a continual state of becoming.
Work In Progress isn't linear; it's often a messy dance of breakthroughs and setbacks. This piece aims to capture that feeling of being caught in the loop – the frustration, the exhaustion, but also the underlying resilience needed to keep moving. 
A choreographed piece with repetitive movements that slowly break into freer, more expansive gestures, symbolising the struggle to escape the loop and find progress. It's a reminder that personal and creative progress is about embracing the loop, not denying its existence.
W-I-P is a constant evolution of self-discovery. Caught in a cycle, the question takes hold:
Who am I truly, a story untold?
Is the finish line close? Is the end drawing near?
So much left to learn, to experience and see,
Yet trapped in this loop, yearning eternally.


MAP, Bengaluru

At the Museum of Art & Photography (MAP), Bengaluru, our mission is to harness the transformative potential of art, to enrich lives, ignite creativity, and connect people. We make art accessible and engaging for everyone through innovative experiences, meaningful dialogue and building communities.

Crafted as part of the MAP’s youth engagement initiatives, Pulse serves as a platform for young voices. An independent space for young adults to share their creative work and practice.